Image Credit: Al jazeera                             Created by: INeeta

Chase Oliver: Criminal Justice Reform Advocate

Image Credit: The New York times

Chase Oliver is a prominent Libertarian activist known for championing individual rights against state power.

Image Credit:    Low public radio

He opposed the War in Iraq and later aligned with the Libertarian Party, advocating for libertarian ideals.

Image Credit:   Ballotpedia

Oliver ran for Congress in Georgia’s 5th district and later for the US Senate, causing a runoff election.

Image Credit:  The Fox

He has been featured in major media outlets, including The New York Times and CNN.

Image Credit:  Vice

Oliver won the Libertarian Party presidential nomination in 2024

Image Credit:  WQAD

His policy proposals include reducing taxes, deregulation, and protecting civil liberties.

Image Credit:  You tube

His outreach efforts focus on educating youth about libertarian values

Image Credit:  Wikipedia

He believes innovation and entrepreneurship can address climate issues.

Image Credit:    New York Times

He supports measures to limit the influence of money in politics and increase accountability.