Trump-Kennedy 2024? Trump, at Least, Is Intrigued by the Idea.

Would a merger between Mar-a-Lago and Camelot prove irresistible for American voters? That is a question…

Melania Trump Plans to Appear at a Mar-a-Lago Fund-Raiser This Month

Melania Trump, who has been mostly absent from public view while her husband, Donald J. Trump,…

Israel to Add Gaza Aid Routes as Biden Hinges Support on Civilian Protection

By the middle of the night in Jerusalem, Israel made its first gestures to Mr. Biden.…

From Pizzagate to the 2020 Election: Forcing Liars to Pay or Apologize

Michael J. Gottlieb can never remember the exact amount — it’s $148,169,000— that a jury ordered…

4 Presidents, 2 Events and a Preview of Campaign Clashes to Come

The epicenter of the presidential campaign shifted to New York on Thursday, as the incumbent president…

The R N C Has a New Interview Question: Was the 2020 Election Stolen?

Former President Donald J. Trump’s full takeover of the Republican National Committee(R N C) continued this…