Kari Lake Delivered a Speech in Front of a Confederate Flag

Kari Lake, the leading Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona, delivered a speech in front of…

Nevada G.O.P. Senate primary heats up as the long shot goes after the front-runner.

Nevada’s once-sleepy Republican primary for Senate, which has been dominated by Sam Brown, a U.S. Army…

A Wealthy Democratic Representative Is Among Top Self-Funders in Senate Primary History

Representative David Trone, a Democrat who apologized for using a racial slur during a recent House…

Kari Lake Called Arizona’s Abortion Ban a ‘Great Law,’ but Now She Denounces It

Kari Lake, the leading Republican candidate for Senate in Arizona, was quick to denounce the state…

Sickened by U.S. Nuclear Program, Communities Turn to Congress for Aid

When Diane Scheig’s father, Bill, came home from work at the Mallinckrodt factory in St. Louis,…

Kari Lake, a Trump Acolyte, Struggles to Find Her Path

Kari Lake opened her Senate run in Arizona showing every intention of shedding the trappings of…